Epistemological and reading beliefs profiles and their role in multiple text comprehension
- Mar Mateos 1
- Isabel Solé 2
- Elena Martín 1
- Nuria Castells 2
- Isabel Cuevas 1
- Jara González-Lamas 1
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universitat de Barcelona
ISSN: 1696-2095
Datum der Publikation: 2016
Ausgabe: 14
Nummer: 39
Seiten: 226-252
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology
Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyse the role of epistemological beliefs and reading beliefs in the comprehension of multiple texts which presented conflicting positions about a controversial topic (nuclear energy). More specifically, we investigated the influence of the multidimensional configuration of epistemological and reading beliefs on multiple text comprehension. Method. The participants were 476 university students from two different Spanish universities, and diverse studies (Humanities, Health Sciences, Architecture and Engineering). In a whole-class session, the Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (EQEBI) and the Reader Belief Questionnaire were first administered. In the second part of the session participants completed the prior knowledge questionnaire and performed the multiple text comprehension task. Results. Using cluster analysis we identified two distinct beliefs profiles: sophisticated, in which the more sophisticated epistemological beliefs were associated to more transactional and less transmissive reading beliefs; and naïve, in which the more naïve epistemological beliefs were associated to less transactional and more transmissive reading beliefs. Relationships were found between profiles and gender and domain of knowledge. In addition, after controlling prior knowledge, students with a more sophisticated epistemological and reading beliefs’ profile obtained a higher level of multiple text comprehension than those with a more naïve profile. Conclusion. Consistent with prior research, we may interpret that students who understand knowledge in a more sophisticated way tend to view reading less as a transmissive process and more transforming of knowledge; therefore, they get involved in a deeper comprehension of the different sources and this favours their ability to process information and make inferences – at an intra and inter textual level.
Informationen zur Finanzierung
This work was funded under the National Programme for Basic Research Projects 2014–2016 by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant EDU2013-46606-C2-1 & 2-R).Geldgeber
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- EDU2013-46606-C2-1 & 2-R
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