Diferencias entre auto-empleados y asalariados en los usos del tiempo: Aragón vs. Spain

  1. Campaña, Juan Carlos
  2. Gimenez-Nadal, J. Ignacio
  3. Molina, Jose Alberto
Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Année de publication: 2016

Type: Working Paper


This paper analyzes the differences between Spanish self-employees and wage-earners in the time devoted to paid work, unpaid work, childcare, and leisure. To this end, we use the Time Use Surveys of Spain for the periods 2002-03 and 2009-10, differentiating between men and women and whether the self-employed and wage-earners belong to the Autonomous Community of Aragon or elsewhere in Spain. Our findings show that the self-employed devote more time to paid work and less time to childcare and leisure than do wage-earners, with these differences being more pronounced in the second period analyzed, and principally for self-employed women from Aragon.