What do you prefer for a relaxing and cultural time at home: Reading, watching TV, or listening to the radio?

  1. Molina, Jose Alberto
  2. Campaña, Juan Carlos
  3. Ortega, Raquel
Munich Personal RePEc Archive

Año de publicación: 2015

Tipo: Documento de Trabajo


This paper studies the determinants of time spent by Spanish consumers on reading, watching TV, and listening to the radio, by estimating a SUR model with data from the Spanish Time Use Survey for 2009-2010. The existing literature on the consumption of cultural goods has, so far, failed to address the determinants of the amount of time adults spend at home interacting with cultural goods. We find that age has a positive influence on the time dedicated to reading, while the opposite occurs with time spent watching TV. Men spend more time than women watching television and listening to the radio, while those in our sample with a higher level of education spend more time reading. Individuals with a lower level of education spend more time watching television. The more children there are in the family, the less time is spent on all three options, but this negative effect diminishes as the children grow older. Finally, living in a larger city has a positive effect on the time dedicated to all three of our cultural options.