Relaciones de complicidad entre personajesel inicio de "Ifigenia entre los tauros" (vv. 1-341)

  1. Andrea Navarro Noguera
  2. Rubén José García Muriel
Aπoina = àpoina: estudis de literatura grega dedicats a Carles Miralles
  1. Miralles, Carles (hom.)
  2. Jufresa, Montserrat (coord.)
  3. Mestre, Francesca (coord.)

Editorial: Societat Catalana d'Estudis Clàssics ; Institut d'Estudis Catalans

ISBN: 978-84-9965-628-1

Año de publicación: 2021

Páginas: 299-312

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


The Chorus of women in the euripidean play Iphigenia in Tauris shows and feels within the dramatic action a deep compassion for Iphigenia. The women give the heroine a sympathetic response due to their common gender, but also to their common origin. This highly emotional charged relation provides a joint lament which increases the pathos and presents the young heroine as one of the whole group of women who have been kept away from their own house to become slaves. Both the women and the ephebes Pylades and Orestes embody, as victims, the consequences of a never-ending war: the heroes have neither spouse, nor city nor philoi. The main characters of Iphigenia in Tauris are connected by a respective and recognizable catastrophe, whose reciprocity is notorious from the initial verses