Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the Work-Related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) in a Colombian sample

  1. Bravo, Diana M
  2. Suárez Falcón, Juan C
  3. Bianchi Salguero Javier M
  4. Gil Luciano, Bárbara
  5. Ruiz, Francisco J
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy

ISSN: 1577-7057

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 23

Issue: 3

Pages: 301-312

Type: Article

More publications in: International journal of psychology and psychological therapy


The Work-Related Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (WAAQ) is a self-report instrument that measures psychological flexibility at work. Although this scale has been validated in some languages, its psychometric properties in Colombia are unknown, making it challenging to assess work-related psychological flexibility in this country. The present study analyzed the psychometric properties and factor structure of the WAAQ in a sample of 985 Colombian workers. The internal consistency of the WAAQ measured through coefficient alpha was .88. The one-factor model with correlated error terms between items 4 and 7 showed a very good fit to the data (RMSEA= 0.033, CFI= .998, NNFI= .997, SRMR= 0.018). The WAAQ showed metric and scalar invariance across gender, age group, socioeconomic stratum, and hierarchical level. Furthermore, it correlated negatively with psychological inflexibility, psychological distress, emotional exhaustion, and cynicism and positively with professional efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. In conclusion, the WAAQ seems to be a valid self-report of work-related psychological flexibility in Colombian samples.

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