La adaptación de un texto clásico para su puesta en escena hoyel caso de "La vida es sueño"

  1. Sergio Adillo Rufo 1
  1. 1 CSIC - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Diálogos en las tablas: últimas tendencias de la puesta en escena del teatro clásico español
  1. Bastianes, María (coord.)
  2. Fernández Rodríguez, Esther (coord.)
  3. Mascarell, Purificació (coord.)

Éditorial: Edition Reichenberger

ISBN: 978-3-944244-23-5

Année de publication: 2014

Pages: 1-21

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


The problem with modern dramatic adaptations of classical theater -whether called adaptation, version, dramaturgy, revision of text or rewriting-is a fascinating question, but from a terminological point of view it is still far from being resolved. Focusing on three contemporary stagings of Calderón's La vida es sueño, all three produced by the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico, I will examine how the play is rewritten, as well as the changes applied to the original (considering, in this particular case, that it is a work already rewritten twice by Calderón himself) in order to establish some guidelines for the dramaturgy of classical texts being staged today.