Empleabilidad inclusiva y el papel de las redes sociales en la sociedad digital
- Carlos Barroso-Moreno 1
- Miguel del Fresno-García 2
- Laura Rayón-Rumayor 1
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1697-8293
Année de publication: 2023
Titre de la publication: LTE1. Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la Comunicación, educación y empleabilidad para la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad en la sociedad digital
Volumen: 21
Número: 2
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Icono14
Social networks as spaces for social participation are relevant to the study of inclusive employability. This research analyses publications on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube related to inclusive employment, especially those associated with people with disabilities. The aim is to identify profiles in relation to employability and disability on these digital platforms through correlations between content, sentiment, gender, influence, time and geographical space addressed from a social and employment perspective. The content collection is carried out using the Twitter API and web scraping techniques between 1 November 2021 and 31 October 2022, with a total of 109.266 publications, of which 13.887 contain keywords related to employment. The research is carried out using a mixed methodology that analyses, quantitatively, the dataset using the Power BI tool and, qualitatively, the most viral posts on each social network. This data analysis makes the invisible of network relationships visible, identifying patterns of content creation and groups of influence. The results show the influence of international days on the number of altruistic publications, and a mercantile utilitarianism of inclusive employability that overshadows non-profit social diffusions. The understanding and visualization of the structure and themes intrinsic to the object of study allow us to promote inclusive employability in a more rational way and to improve communication spaces among critical digital citizens.
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