Anatomías convergentes. De la prosa a la narración gráfica en Cuerpos del delito (2017) de Antonio Altarriba y Sergio García Sánchez

  1. David García-Reyes 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. España
Acta literaria

ISSN: 0716-0909 0717-6848

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 66

Pages: 61-80

Type: Article

DOI: 10.2939/AL66-4ACDG10004 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Acta literaria


The trend towards experimentalism in contemporary literature is a recurrent one that has its analogy in the narrative and expressive codes of graphic narrative. This proposal analyses the book Cuerpos del delito: por el humo se sabe dónde está el fuego (2017), with texts and script by Antonio Altarriba and illustrations and graphic design by Sergio García Sánchez. Through the study of a hybrid artefact with a dual nature, literary and graphic, which allows us to explore the possibilities offered by the crossing of languages, narrative forms and genuine aesthetics. Ethics is also very present in these illustrated stories, expanded in a poster where the hybridisation of the textual and the graphic facilitates the narration and the orientation of the plots as a mosaic of narratives. The metaphor of a bodily silhouette is literally materialized in a mode of use to access the stories and the fictional universe of Altarriba and García Sánchez.

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