El arquetipo de la gran madreUna lectura junguiana de La puerta de los pájaros

  1. Núñez de la Fuente, Sara
Siglo XXI, literatura y cultura españolas: revista de la Cátedra Miguel Delibes

ISSN: 1697-0659

Año de publicación: 2014

Título del ejemplar: Siglo XXI: Literatura y cultura españolas

Número: 12

Páginas: 157-179

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Siglo XXI, literatura y cultura españolas: revista de la Cátedra Miguel Delibes


The writer from Valladolid Gustavo Martín Garzo offers in his novel The door of birds a group of characters that recall some of the most important characters in fairy tales. This article focuses primarily on analysis of two maternal figures. They evoke the classical witches and evil stepmothers. To discover their psychological meaning are used theories about the archetype of de great mother that Carl Gustav Jung presents in The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. However, should take account that the Junguian concept of archetype refers to a unconscious content and, for this reason, it differs from the concept of archetypal image, which refers to a form elaborated by the consciousness. It is clear that the characters of Gustavo Martín Garzo correspond with the second concept because his book was written by a single author at a particular time. On the contrary, the fairy tales were developed over the course of many generations, so they are associated with the collective unconscious. However, The door of birds offers characters very interesting because through their analysis, in addition to discovering the psychological meaning of classical characters, are also discovered in what way appear in contemporary literature the contents that in  distant past they were in inconscient darkness.

Referencias bibliográficas

  • Citas Bettelheim, Bruno. Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas. Barcelona: Crítica, 1997.
  • Birkhäuser-Oeri, Sibylle. La llave de oro. Madres y madrastras en los cuentos infantiles. Madrid: Turner, 2010.
  • Cirlot, Juan Eduardo. Diccionario de símbolos. Madrid: Siruela, 2006.
  • Gaiman, Neil. The Sandman: el libro de los sueños. Barcelona: Norma, 1999.
  • Hesíodo. Obras y fragmentos. Madrid: Gredos, 1990.
  • Jung, Carl Gustav. Los arquetipos y lo inconsciente colectivo. Madrid: Trotta, 2002.
  • Martín Garzo, Gustavo. Una casa de palabras. En torno a los cuentos maravillosos. México, D. F.: Océano Travesía, 2013.
  • Martín Garzo, Gustavo. La puerta de los pájaros. Madrid: Impedimenta, 2014.
  • Ovidio. Las metamorfosis. Fuenlabrada, Madrid: Cátedra, 1995.
  • Páginas web
  • http://www.ladolphinconnection.es/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/himnos.pdf Consultada el 4 de abril de 2015
  • http://www.ciudadseva.com/textos/cuentos/euro/folclor/ Consultada el 8 de abril de 2015
  • http://noticias.lainformacion.com/arte-cultura-y-espectaculos/literatura/martin-garzo-vuelve-con-la-puerta-de-los-pajaros-una-novela-sobre-el-fin-de-la-infancia_gCIerNrgewOmal0o3Swms4/ Consultada el 27 de marzo de 2015
  • http://elpais.com/elpais/2014/08/01/opinion/1406910340_997831.html Consultada el 2 de abril de 2015