Estética de lo fantástico y complejidad formal en «Interno con figura» de Cristina Fernández Cubas

  1. Sara Núñez de la Fuente 1
  1. 1 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


Dialogía: revista de lingüistica, literatura y cultura

ISSN: 1819-365X

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 13

Pages: 169-188

Type: Article

More publications in: Dialogía: revista de lingüistica, literatura y cultura


The present paper presents a theoretical and critical study of the short story entitled «Interno con figura» by Cristina Fernández Cubas, which focuses on narrative forms traditionally associated with the fantasy genre and on the complex narrative structure in order to contribute, by way of example, with a set of conclusions which will be used as the basis for future studies of Fernández Cuba’s literary works and, by extension, the works of other Spanish and Latin American contemporary women writers whose literary creations are in the fields of non-mimetic literature. In addition to observing forms of intertextuality, an ambiguous narrative voice, and the complex narrative structure; the present article presents a revision of a new version of the myth of the double in literature taking as a reference a fundamental theoretical framework that collects some of the literary schemes that have shaped the theme of the double throughout the course history.

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