Active aging with leisure and free time activities for a better quality of life
- María José Flores Tena 1
- Yolanda Deocano-Ruiz 2
- Fátima LLamas-Salguero 2
- Jorge Jiménez Morales 3
Universidad Camilo José Cela
Universidad de Extremadura
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1579-1726, 1988-2041
Any de publicació: 2024
Número: 51
Pàgines: 1496-1501
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
The objective of this research was to study the relationship between the participation of the elderly in learning programs in cultural activities developed in senior centers. The research was quantitative, cross-sectional and relational; a probabilistic sample was applied to select 340 elderly people over 65 years of age, corresponding to a senior center in Madrid. The instrument used to collect information consisted of 20 questions grouped into 4 dimensions. The results indicate that the elderly are satisfied with the new cultural learning offered by the senior centers. 72% of the people surveyed, contribute to improve learning through these activities. The research provides possible improvements to prevent loneliness, improving the quality of life. It is suggested to improve the learning programs in cultural activities to achieve greater participation in society. This research suggests possible improvements in areas that will help prevent dependency, such as those where there is greater demand from users. Specific plans to increase the participation of men in the workshops held in the senior centers are suggested as suggestions for improvement.
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