El homonacionalismo en las derechas radicales occidentalesGénesis, desarrollo y su impacto en el contexto español
- Gartenlaub, Andrea (coord.)
- Osorio Rauld, N. Alejandro (coord.)
ISSN: 2659-7071
Ano de publicación: 2024
Volume: 5
Número: 1
Páxinas: 59-74
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Disjuntiva: Crítica de les Ciències Socials
The far-right has grown worldwide in the last two decades, consolidating itself in liberal democracies. This consolidation has entailed an ideological reformulation to adapt its ultra-nationalist and antidiversity ideology to the democratic context and the contemporary sociological realities. In this process, the radical right has addressed new themes and objectives, and has tried to attract more social actors, such as women –increasingly present in these groups and parties– racialized people and LGBTIQ+ groups. Thus, far-right growth has algo provoked the diversification of the social actors that support and vote this parties, including non-heteronormative people. This process began in the Netherlands at the end of the 20th century, one of the most openminded and progressive countries regarding gay rights recognition. Radical right-wing politicians began to link Muslim immigration with the problems and aggressions suffered by the LGBTIQ+ community. This ultra-nationalist and xenophobic articulation, which is called homonationalism, rapidly expanded to other Western countries and other liberal democracies, especially after 9/11. This text analyses how homonationalism emerges and how it is articulated in Europe and spread through other radical rights. Secondly, it addresses this phenomenon in the Spanish context. For this purpose, historiographic and sociological analysis is used, employing quantitative (mainly surveys) and qualitative methodologies (discursive analyse).
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