Los anales sevillanos de 1407. Estudio y edición de la última parte de la "Estoria del fecho de los godos"

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Fernando Gómez Redondo Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 14 von September von 2023

  1. Francisco Bautista Pérez Präsident/in
  2. Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez Sekretär
  3. Carmen Benítez Guerrero Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The aim of this doctoral thesis is to identify a late medieval annals that were widely quoted in modern times and are probably not preserved. Diego Catalán located a segment of this writing in the final part of the Estoria del fecho de los godos, a compilation from the beginning of the 15th century. We start from this premise and, in the first part of the study, examine it, analysing the aforementioned compilation and following other possible routes of direct transmission, materialised in the additions that were added to some dozens of manuscripts of the Crónica de Enrique III written by Pedro López de Ayala. This is followed by a review of the texts of modern historians who quoted these annals, in order to try to find out what form they had when they were accessed. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the study of several compositions written in the period in which these annals must have been composed, and which would have had similar characteristics. The writings are the so-called Cronicón cordubense, the Sumario de las cosas que pasaron en los tiempos pasados, a Memorial related to this summary, the Anales de Garci Sánchez and the supplement that was placed at the end of one of the manuscripts of the Atalaya de las crónicas of the Arcipreste de Talavera. All these compositions seem to be connected with each other, and also with the final section of the Estoria del fecho de los godos. The appendices include editions of the texts analysed, tables in which they are compared and graphic representations of their relationships. The third and final part is devoted to investigating the origins of the relationship between the texts, and to trying to understand how they were composed. To this end, several comparisons are made and hypotheses are drawn up on possible previous listings. On the basis of all the materials analysed, some theories are postulated as to what might differentiate short historiographical compositions from longer ones, and how they should be approached, both because of their different characteristics and because of the complexity involved in their transmission.