El Uso de los Verbos Pronominales en Español por Estudiantes Belgas Flamencos: Análisis a través de la Audiodescripción como Herramienta Didáctica

  1. Ana Ibáñez Moreno 1
  2. Anna Vermeulen 2
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02msb5n36

  2. 2 Ghent University

    Ghent University

    Gante, Bélgica

    ROR https://ror.org/00cv9y106

Revista signos: estudios de lingüística

ISSN: 0035-0451 0718-0934

Year of publication: 2023

Volume: 56

Issue: 113

Pages: 441-461

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista signos: estudios de lingüística


This study explores the scope and limitations of integrating audio description in the Spanish as a Foreign Language classroom, focusing on the use of pronominal verbs, one of the most controversial topics in Spanish grammar (Mendikoetxea, 1999). The purpose was to investigate whether Belgian Dutch-speaking students, with a B2 level of Spanish at the time of the study, use pronominal verbs in the same way as Spanish natives do. Furthermore, the final aim of this paper was to find out whether inter-semiotic translation (i.e., audio description) also improves learning outcomes with regard to written expression in Spanish as a Foreign Language. The results confirmed that the 58 Belgian students use significantly fewer pronominal verbs than the 46 Spanish students when writing in Spanish. Furthermore, they also show that audio description as a mode of audiovisual translation in the Spanish as a Foreign Language classroom is perceived positively by students, by offering them the opportunity to be creative and by being more challenging in their Spanish practice.

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