Adaptation of the final exam in a distanceeducation coursefrom face-to-face to online assessment

  1. Inés Gil-Jaurena 1
  2. Daniel Domínguez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). CO-Lab teaching innovation group.
2022 Envisioning Report For Empowering Universities

Verlag: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities and the Authors

ISBN: 9789079730469

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Seiten: 43-45

Kongress: Envisioning Report For Empowering Universities (6. 2022. null)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


In May 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UNED changed the final assessment system from face-to-face exams inthe regional centres to online exams. This system was maintained during 2021. We report on the adaptations we introduced inthe final exam in both academic years in a distance education course titled Community Development in the Faculty ofEducation, with 600-850 students. An analysis of the students’ academic performance shows a great increase in theassessment rate (number of students who take the final exam) when the exam changed to online mode. During the first yearwhen the online exam was used, 2020, the achievement and succes rates and the average mark also increased, while theydecreased in 2021, the second academic year when e-assessment was used. These rates were still higher than before thepandemic. The number of registered students in the course in 2021 was higher than in previous years, following thesuccessful achievements in 2020. The students’ perception of online exams is generally positive, and the preference for this eassessment method over face-to-face exams increased with practice, going from 54.4% after the first year to 87.5% in thesecond year. While in 2022 the UNED has returned to the traditional face-to-face exams, the experience has led us toredesign the exam and the overall assessment process to improve its alignment with learning outcomes.