Una etnografía de un archivo de la represión franquista
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 2659-6881
Datum der Publikation: 2023
Ausgabe: 78
Nummer: 2
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Disparidades. Revista de Antropología
This text aims to offer a reflection on the possibilities of putting into practice an ethnography from the archive. This analysis is influenced by the characteristics of the archive where the research was carried out, an archive which, according to the stored documents, can be defined as an archive belonging to Franco’s repression. On the basis of this case, throughout the article, a comparative approach to other spaces that share some of its characteristics will be carried out, trying to unravel the power that emanates from this type of archives which are, in contexts of extreme violence, one of the best tools for social control, acquiring the power to shape the enemy. From the theoretical perspective of the so-called “archival turn” which situates the archive itself as the object of study, the aim is to delve into some of the characteristics which make the archive chosen for the research -Archivo General e Histórico de Defensa- the best example from which to propose an ethnographic approach. In this process, it is analyzed how, since its origin, this documentation has pursued the ultimate goal of selecting, ordering and classifying the enemy to the extent that, through these documents, even their physical and psychological traits have been defined.
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