Nueve ejes esenciales de la reforma de la Justicia penal y una clave asistencial (casi existencialEl Facilitador judicial) no suman 10

  1. Sonia Calaza López
Diario La Ley

ISSN: 1989-6913

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 10469

Type: Article

More publications in: Diario La Ley


This work offers a (first) analysis of the ten (essential) axes of the criminal justice reform —operated by the recent Royal Decree Law 5/2023 (cassation) and 6/2023 (offering of actions, electronic submission of judicial resolutions a Official records, procedural acts through telematic presence, complaint, summons, single judicial edictal Board, oral trial and remaining oral proceedings, as well as appeal for review)— with claim —now that a Defense LO is about to be approved (precisely)— of the meticulous regulation of an essential (almost existential) assistance key for people with disabilities: the judicial facilitator, in the conviction of the impossible exercise (without defenselessness) of their rights of action and defense (as well as all the projections of this axiomatic equation), without the contemporary fulfillment of the —guarantee?, projection?, right?— of «understanding and being understood» within the framework of a fair procedure.