Aspectos procesales de la ley 2/2023 de protección al informanteAlgunas cuestiones sin resolver tras un año de su entrada en vigor
- 1 Profesor Titular de Derecho Procesal UNED
ISSN: 3020-2132
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 5
Orrialdeak: 27-46
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Lex Criminalis
The approval of Law 2/2023 brought with it certain obligations for companies and public administrations that must seek the protection of those who report regulatory infractions (popularly known as whistleblowers). However, the effectiveness of some proposed measures is limited when the information reported leads to criminal proceedings and compromises, procedural rights. This article analyzes Law 2/2023 from the protection of the informant defending that the necessary protection measures cannot exceed the limits and constitutional guarantees of the criminal procedure.