Derecho a la Educación Social de los y las adolescentes sujetos/as a las medidas judiciales de la LORPM. Situación extremeña

  1. Marcos Javier Barriga Ávila
RES : Revista de Educación Social

ISSN: 1698-9007

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Zenbakia: 33

Orrialdeak: 407-411

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: RES : Revista de Educación Social


With this academic and professional work I attemp to make a review among the legal provisions that the Government of Extremadura create to assure the right to educational attention of youth people who are under the age of majority, eightenn years old, when they have a legal consequence as deprivation of their liberty or another one because of breaking the Law. There are legal provisions in Extremadura whereby the socioeducational attention of students in the juvenil justice system is included. In Spain, the last study carryed out by the General Direction of Children and Adolescence Rights within the “Department of Social Rights and planning 2030” of the spanish Government shows higher incidence of courts decisions that impose Liberty Supervised or making labours of Community Work over other legal measures and overall those that specifically includes deprivation of liberty. The Centre for the Enforcement of Legal Measures “Vicente Marcelo Nessi”, is a building composed by cohabitation units, as the therapeutic one. There is nearby a High or Secondary School for students from 12 years old, called “IES San José”. This one has an educational section for boys and girls who lives in “Marcelo Nessi” within the closed regime. In Extremadura, there is an Education Law from 2011, “LEEX”: “Ley de Educación de Extremadura”. This law and the legal provision “Decreto 228/2014, de 14 de octubre”, locate boys and girls in conflict with law in chapters that regulates students with specific educational support needs. Social educators work in the educational system in Extremadura carrying out tasks as prevention of adverse educative situations or the families participation promotion or students training in social competencies.