Clases de equivalencia en términos de contingencias

  1. Gutiérrez-Domínguez, M. T.
  2. García-García, A.
  3. Pellón, R.

ISSN: 2340-0242

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 6

Issue: 1

Pages: 18-36

Type: Article

More publications in: CONDUCTUAL


We present the results of a study in which the formation of equivalence classes is evaluated using classical conditioning training (CC), where nine stimuli maintain a certain type of contingent relationship with the consequence (positive, zero or negative). During training we evaluated whether participants had detected the contingency of the stimuli through test trials. Subsequently, we evaluated whether they had formed equivalence classes in terms of contingencies. In order to do this, conditional discriminations were used with three comparison stimuli. A scale was also used to evaluate whether subjects had formed labeling during training. The results found that participants form equivalence classes among those stimuli that detect a relationship of mutual contingency. Mainly participants form equivalence classes among those stimuli that have a positive and negative contingent relationship. Participants mostly do not form equivalence classes between non-contingent stimuli. However, the test results of trained relationships reveal that this occurs because they do not detect non-contingent relations, since those participants who do have learned the non-contingent relationship do form classes of stimuli and its corresponding labeling.

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