Publicidad y juegos de azar. Apuntes sobre la decisión histórica que entroniza la libertad empresarialSentencia del Tribunal Supremo 527/2024, de 2 de abril

  1. Concepción María Domínguez García
  2. Laura Caballero Trenado 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España


Diario La Ley

ISSN: 1989-6913

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 10510

Type: Article

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The resolution that is the subject of this comment —STS 527/2024, of April 2— is going to give a lot of play, and never better said, since it is the estimate in part of the appeal raised by the Spanish Digital Gaming Association against Real Decree 958/2020, of November 3, on commercial communications of gaming activities, which has led to the cancellation of several precepts contained therein related to the prohibition of promotion only to former customers, the appearance of people of relevance or notoriety public in commercial communications, the limitations on commercial communications of gaming operators in information society services, the rules for the dissemination and exchange of videos through the platform and on commercial dissemination communication on social networks. This endorsement by our highest jurisdictional body, that protects the freedom of enterprise enshrined in article 38 EC, represents a blow to state protectionism over gambling by activating a succulent bundle of market possibilities through communication and commercial advertising to online gambling operators.