Reflexiones en torno a la Resignificación de GéneroMujer, Inmigración y Desarrollo. La situación sociolaboral de la mujer inmigrante a nivel nacional y regional en España.

  1. Ana Tomás López
Resignificación en el ámbito de género: Una apuesta por la información, comunicación y educación responsable
  1. Rosa María Torres Valdés (coord.)
  2. Laura Arce Chaves (coord.)
  3. Ángel Rodríguez Bravo (coord.)
  4. Norminanda Montoya Vilar (coord.)
  5. Monroy García, Francisca Angelica (coord.)
  6. Santillán Campos, Francisco (coord.)

Éditorial: Asociación Científica para la Evaluación y Medición de los Valores Humanos (AEVA) ; Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente (CENID)

ISBN: 978-607-8830-28-2 978-84-09-52246-0

Année de publication: 2023

Pages: 139-145

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


Equal opportunities is a hotly debated topic today, particularly with regard to effectiveequality betwee n men and women. The right to equality and non discrimination is nolonger considered just a fundamental right. We are aware that gender differences andinequalities directly and indirectly affect the impact of economic and social developmentstrategies an d, therefore, the achievement of general development objectives. But notonly that. If we really want to achieve real, global changes around an authentic effectiveequality, these are not achieved only by applying the laws, but through a process ofchangin g attitudes, paradigms and social structures. Following this line of argument, thisproposal aims to show a real and contrasted X ray of the situation of immigrant womenin the framework of labor immigration and its impact on the national and regional labormarket. To, in parallel, promote a legal, academic and social debate on the phenomenonof immigration within the framework of the Spain of the Regions, created by the Spanish Constitution of 1978. For this purpose, we will carry out an analysis of statistical data,using of the main analysis variables of the national labor market