Determinants of rooftop solar uptake: a comparative analysis of the residential and non-residential sectors in the Basque Country (Spain)
- San-Martín González, Enrique 1
- Elizalde Domínguez, Patxi 1
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Editor: Zenodo
Año de publicación: 2024
Tipo: Dataset
Data for Determinants of rooftop solar uptake: a comparative analysis of the residential and non-residential sectors in the Basque Country (Spain) Solar rooftop is emerging rapidly as a popular source of clean energy. This study investigates the factors influencing the adoption of solar rooftop systems in both residential and non-residential sectors in the Basque Country (Spain) at the municipality level. The novelty of the approach lies in the cross-sectoral comparison, given that most of the previous literature on the topic has neglected the non-residential sector, even though its decarbonization potential is comparatively higher. By using a Negative Binomial Regression Model, factors across four dimensions are analyzed: physical factors and built environment, socioeconomic factors, policy instruments, and peer effects. Our findings reveal several differences between the residential and non-residential sectors. Whereas solar uptake key determinants for the residential sector are higher education, environmental awareness, and neighboring peer effects, those for the non-residential sector include business size and local tax bonifications. This highlights the need for tailored policy approaches to promote solar rooftop uptake effectively in both sectors.