Desarrollo de la Prueba Auditiva de Habla en Ruido en Español (PAHRE)Validación y datos normativos para población con pérdida auditiva

  1. Rodríguez Ferreiro, Marlene
Dirigida per:
  1. Montserrat Durán-Bouza Director/a
  2. Victoria Marrero Aguiar Directora

Universitat de defensa: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 04 de de juliol de 2024

  1. Rosa Belén Santiago Pardo President/a
  2. Juan-Carlos Brenlla-Blanco Secretari/ària
  3. Jesús Valero García Vocal

Tipus: Tesi


People with hearing loss, and even some with normal audiograms, often have difficulty understanding speech in noise. This difficulty can be quantified as a loss of signal-to-noise ratio by performing a speech-in-noise hearing test. Given the difficulty to assess this loss in Spanish-speaking subjects and, therefore, to offer realistic expectations to their hearing problems, the present study aims to develop an auditory test of speech in noise in Spanish, taking the QuickSIN test as a model. The study involved the participation of 277 subjects over 18 years of age, divided according to their age and hearing status. Other variables under study were degree of hearing loss, decrease in high frequencies, gender, educational level, Lombard effect and bilingualism in Spain. The result obtained is the Spanish Auditory Noise Speech Test (Prueba Auditiva de Habla en Ruido en Español, PAHRE). This test provides reference curves as a function of age for the population without and with hearing loss. Other factors related to the loss of SNR are presented.