Publicaciones en las que colabora con Jorge Arús Hita (10)


  1. Toward an Integrated Framework for Clil-Based Blended Teaching

    Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation in Bilingual and Second Language Teacher Education (Taylor and Francis), pp. 173-189

  2. Toward an integrated framework for CLIL-based blended teaching

    Interdisciplinary research and innovation in bilingual and second language teacher education (Routledge USA), pp. 173-189


  1. State of the art of language learning design using mobile technology: sample apps and some critical reflection

    Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy


  1. Análisis de un proyecto creativo y colaborativo para el aprendizaje en línea de la gramática sistémico funcional del Inglés

    VII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente de la UNED: libro de actas

  2. Fostering intercultural competence through contextualized texts in EFL settings

    Análisis textual en la comunicación intercultural: actas del Congreso Internacional Topografías del Lenguaje Entre Culturas (MLAC10), Salamanca 5 al 7 de julio de 2010 (Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca), pp. 19-27

  3. Reflections on the Future of Technology-Mediated LSP Research and Education

    Educational Linguistics (Springer Science+Business Media B.V.), pp. 345-348


  1. Languages for specific purposes in the digital era

    Springer Alemania

  2. REALL: rubric for the evaluation of apps in language learning

    Jornadas Internacionales Tecnología móvil e innovación en el aula: nuevos retos y realidades educativas: Libro de actas

  3. Reflections on the future of technology mediated LSP research and education

    Languages for specific purposes in the digital era (Springer Alemania), pp. 345-347


  1. Have computers ever really assited languaje learning? Problems and prospects

    Technological innovation in the teaching and processing of LSPs: proceedings of TISLID' 10