ALICIA LARA CLARES-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (8)
A Reproducible Experimental Survey on Biomedical Sentence Similarity: a String-Based Method Sets the State of the Art
PloS One, Vol. 17, Núm. 11, pp. e0276539
HESML: a real-time semantic measures library for the biomedical domain with a reproducible survey
BMC Bioinformatics, Vol. 23, Núm. 1
Protocol for a reproducible experimental survey on biomedical sentence similarity
PLoS ONE, Vol. 16, Núm. 3 March
Museos accesibles con apoyo de realidad mixta y gamificaciones: una narrativa artística enriquecida en el proyecto MUSACCES
Cultura y tecnologías digitales socialmente responsables e innovadoras (Trea), pp. 69-82
Statistical graph matching for indexing Spanish biomedical documents
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Key phrases annotation in medical documents: Meddocan 2019 anonymization task
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
LSI2 UNED at eHealth-KD challenge 2019 A few-shot learning model for knowledge discovery from eHealth documents
CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Enrichment of accessible ld and visualization for humanities: MPOC model and prototype
Communications in Computer and Information Science