Publicaciones en las que colabora con Floor Van Alphen (4)


  1. Reconquista o regaining Spain from the internal other: the continuation of a cominant narrative template in Spanish collective memory

    Reproducing, rethinking, resisting national narratives: a sociocultural approach to schematic narrative templates (Information Age Publishing), pp. 59-76

  2. Reenacting the reconquista myth?: Some reflections on Moros y Cristianos festivals in Spain

    Historical Reenactment: New Ways of Experiencing History (Berghahn Books), pp. 66-82

  3. Reproducing, rethinking, resisting national narratives: a sociocultural approach to schematic narrative templates

    Information Age Publishing

  4. The imaginative co-construction of past and future in times of crisis

    Global pandemics and epistemic crises in psychology: a socio-philosophical approach (Routledge USA), pp. 46-56