Area: Contemporary History



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Doctor by the UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia with the thesis Monarquía constitucional y gobierno parlamentario el Rey en las crisis políticas (1875-1902) 1997. Supervised by Dr. Javier Tusell Gómez.

With regard to scientific contributions and their relevance in knowledge generation: I began my two principal lines of research in the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) under the guidance of Antonio M. Calero Amor. The social reformism line of research was initiated with the Degree Thesis “El Nuevo Liberalismo en el Diario Independiente El Sol” (1984), and my first publication: Bulletin d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Espagne (1-2, 1985) in a dossier edited by A.M. Calero on The ideological crisis of the Restoration. Among the most significant results is the demonstration that the organicism liberal of the reformists, such as Ortega y Gasset, was not the precursor of totalitarian corporatism as Gonzalo Redondo had maintained until then in unchallenged fashion (The political undertakings of José Ortega y Gasset. El Sol, Crisol, Luz (1917-1934), 2 v. Rialp,1970, 606 pp), but permeated all the turn-of-the-century reform projects initiated within liberalism, although also outside it and against it. It was the extraordinary importance and dire consequences of the totalitarian version that darkened, concealed and consigned to oblivion any project, however removed or liberal it might be, associated with organicist ideas. - Founding member of the International Network for Studies in Corporatism and Organized Interests (NETCOR), Nova University Lisbon, 2015 (16 countries). The other line of research on the constitutional monarchy, I started it with a two-year grant contract from the Centre of Constitutional Studies; after AM. Calero´death I continued at the UNED with Javier Tusell, and I completed my doctoral thesis: Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary government: the monarch in political crises (1875-1902); has significant results related to forms of government and constitutional monarchy; in particular, analysis and definition of constitutional monarchy and its political models, resolving the terminological crisis, already denounced by eminent constitutionalists (García Canales, 1991;Torres del Moral, 1983) and which persisted until our last constituent process, over the discussion of whether or not the parliamentary monarchy was constitutional; I did this in the first chapter: “Monarchy and Constitution” of El rey, piloto del cambio. The Crown and the political system of the Restoration (1875-1902), Biblioteca Nueva/UNED 1999, pp. 31-187, that is considered essential reading and present in the most diverse data bases. I have a significant number of articles analysing the functioning of the monarchy in liberalism and democracy, the constitutional role of the monarch and his framework in contemporary history: in Spanish journals such as Ayer, Revista de Estudios Políticos, Historia Constitucional, Alcores, Historia Contemporánea; interdisciplinary publications such as e-legal History; and overseas journals such as Portuguese Studies, Spagna Contemporánea, and Estudos Iberoamericanos. In addition, coordination of dossiers and books, in C1. I am a member of the Steering and Academic Committees of the Institutional Chair Parliamentary Monarchy , headed by former President of the Senate Juan José Laborda. In this vein, I have extensive activity of transfer to society via major media in Spain and abroad (see below). Both lines of research are related and feed off one another, insofar as they seek to characterise our political culture and the models designed to implement it, its features and limitations, the triumphs and failures that led to successive practices and conclusions and the configuration of a more or less stable model; as well as its crisis and necessary reform. - Managemente of Summer Courses with the Association of Ex-MPs since 2012 on social interest affairs - Conferences, Debates and Documentaires on current affairs: web page