Profesor Titular Universidad
Ribeiro Seijas
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Ángela Ribeiro Seijas (8)
Application of the Dempster-Shafer theory to classify monocot and dicot weeds based on Geometric Shape Descriptors
Second International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture and Forestry (RHEA 2014)
Learning the best segmentation process for discriminating accurately between monocots and dicots
9th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2013)
Optimización evolutiva de un método de discriminación visual entre mono y dicotiledóneas: resultados iniciales
Interempresas Agricultura y ganadería, Vol. 114, pp. 114 - 122
A Non-Supervised Strategy for Identifying Weeds in Agricultural Aerial Images
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng 2012)
A Weed/Crop Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy Clustering for Remote Images
First International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture (RHEA 2012)
An Empirical Study on the Viability of the Application of Sift Algorithm to Video Stabilization in Crop Fields
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR-AgEng 2012)
An empirical study on the suitability of SURF algorithm for features detection and video stabilization in crop fields
First International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and Equipment for Agriculture (RHEA 2012)
Camera System geometry for site specific treatment inprecision agriculture
Proceedings of the first International Workshop on robotics and associated high technologies and equipment for agriculture (RHEA-2011): Montpellier, France September 9, 2011