Publicaciones en colaboración con investigadores/as de Universidad de Granada (6)


  1. Rutas de acceso al léxico en un entorno lexicográfico

    Revista de lingüística y lenguas aplicadas, Núm. 16, pp. 63-79


  1. Linguistic research in the 21st century: Looking beyond

    Applied Linguistics and Knowledge Transfer: Employability, Internationalisation and Social Challenges (Peter Lang AG), pp. 25-51


  1. Spanish acquisition and the development of PERSL

    Assessing Grammar: The Languages of LARSP (Channel View Publications), pp. 245-281


  1. Linking a domain-specific ontology to a general ontology

    Proceedings of the 24th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, FLAIRS - 24

  2. ‘If poetry and sweet music agree’: from musical rhetoric to the rhetorics of pop

    A view from the south: contemporary English and American studies