Concepciones sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje, a través de la metáfora, del profesorado de educación secundaria en formación

  1. Mellado Bermejo, Lucía
Dirigida por:
  1. María Rosa Luengo González Director/a
  2. Juan Luis de la Montaña Conchiña Codirector/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 30 de junio de 2017

  1. Susana García Barros Presidente/a
  2. María Guadalupe de la Maya Retamar Secretario/a
  3. Laura Parte Esteban Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The general objective of this doctoral thesis, presented as a compendium of publications, is to analyse the evolution of prospective secondary education teachers' personal metaphors about the role of the teacher and the pupils, and the relationship of those metaphors with the conceptions, emotions, teaching models, and such variables as gender, age, teaching experience, and speciality. To this end, a first study was conducted of diagnosis and validation of the methodological instruments with various samples of prospective teachers of different specialities and educational levels. A second study analysed the pre- to post-practicum evolution of the personal and emotional metaphors about the role of the teacher and the pupils of a sample of prospective teachers in the 2012-13 Master's course of Secondary Education Teaching in the specialities of Economics, Sciences, Technology, and Educational Guidance at the University of Extremadura. Data acquisition was by means of open questionnaires which included drawings about the metaphors. Different categories were established for the metaphors, some teacher-centred and others pupil-centred, and the analysis used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of this second study indicated that, although the metaphors and teaching models were highly stable, there was still a progression from teacher-centred models to others focused more on the pupils, with there being differences by speciality and gender. The associated emotions were mostly positive and social, with both categories increasing post-practicum.