Fundamentos de economía, empresa, derecho, administración y metodología de la investigación aplicada a la RSC

  1. López López, María Dolores coord.
  2. Muñoz Torres, María Jesús coord.
  3. Cuesta González, Marta de la coord.

Verlag: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions ; Universitat Jaume I ; UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia ; Netbiblo

ISBN: 978-84-9745-514-5 978-84-8021-749-1

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Art: Buch


Basic theoretical aspects of the economy, business management, taxation law, accounting and finance; in other words, the bases considered necessary and useful for the analysis of the sustainability and the CSR are illustrated in the first part. The second part has as specific goal to deepen the investigator process as well as to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired and, definitely, to provide a better understanding of the information related to sustainability and CSR.