Un estudio sobre la percepción de la RSC en las grandes ciudades

  1. Cueto Cedillo, Carlos
  2. Cuesta González, Marta de la
  3. Moneva Abadía, José Mariano
Revista de gestión pública y privada

ISSN: 2387-0249

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Zenbakia: 17-18

Orrialdeak: 153-194

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de gestión pública y privada


Some companies have already taken the surrender of its economic and social and environmental impacts through reports on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and trying to gain legitimacy with society. Citizens and stakeholders are also demanding that the public sector is socially responsible. In Spain there is no general legal requirement that the government report on their CSR. Drawing on national e international theories and experiences that have been consolidated in the field, this study analyzes the contents which are key indicators of CSR that big cities can yield to society, based on the opinion, knowledge and experience of an expert panel