Lecturas en medios de popularesdel discurso a las prácticas

  1. Guereña, Jean-Louis
  2. Tiana Ferrer, Alejandro
Historia de la educación: Revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 2386-3846 0212-0267

Datum der Publikation: 2001

Titel der Ausgabe: La educación popular en los siglos XX y XXI

Nummer: 20

Seiten: 25-39

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Historia de la educación: Revista interuniversitaria


The influence of popular education on the progress of reading resulted from two complementary ways, that required to be analysed separately. On the one hand, appeared various adult classes, whose purpose was generally literacy. On the other hand, several initiatives were promoted to encourage reading in working and peasant classes. In this context, popular libraries occupy an important place, in spite of their deficiencies. The confluence of these two ways explains the impact of popular education on the development of reading.