La Innovación en el aula: referente para el diseño y desarrollo curricular

  1. Domínguez Garrido, María Concepción
  2. Medina Rivilla, Antonio María
  3. Sánchez Romero, Cristina
Perspectiva Educacional

ISSN: 0718-9729

Ano de publicación: 2011

Título do exemplar: Desarrollo Cognitivo y Aprendizae

Volume: 50

Número: 1

Páxinas: 61-86

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Perspectiva Educacional


The innovation is an essential activity for improving the teaching-learning process and provides a basis for the design and curriculum development. Improve training activities and lay the foundation for continued transformation requires teacher attitude and practice generate new knowledge and professional training. The innovations for more than a decade have influenced the designs and update new curriculum processes defogged in training scenarios, confirming the close relationship between the innovative culture of training development processes. The culmination of this work is to present some specific models that drive innovation in new design centers and educational practices confirmed by applying an ad hoc questionnaire answered by a hundred experts in training processes in innovative educational programs and curriculum development in the classroom.