Anti-suit injunction en forma de laudo arbitral (a propósito de la Sentencia Gazprom del TJUE)

  1. Miguel Gómez Jene
Cuadernos de derecho transnacional

ISSN: 1989-4570

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 7

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 440-447

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos de derecho transnacional


Gazprom Judgment of the Court of Justice confirms the doctrine established in the Judgment West Tankers: an injunction issued by a court of a Member State restraining a party from having recourse to proceedings other than arbitration is not compatible with the Brussel I Regulation. The cogent arguments used to justify such interpretation –based on the breach of the principle of mutual trust- and the subdued criticism to the Opinion of the Advocate General, allow to affirm that Recital 12 of the Recast Regulation is not enough to outweigh the meaning of existing case-law.

Bibliographische Referenzen

  • M. Gómez Jene, “Arbitraje internacional y Reglamento Bruselas I refundido”, Arbitraje, 2015 (1), pp. 15-46.
  • M. Requejo Isidro, Proceso en el extranjero y medidas antiproceso, Santiago de Compostela, 2000.
  • E. Gaillard (Ed.), Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration, IAI series on internacional arbitration, 2005.
  • S. Bollée, “L’arbitrage et le nouveau Règlement Bruxelles I”, Rev. Arb., 2013, pp. 979-987.
  • M. Virgós Soriano y F. J. Garcimartín Alférez, Derecho procesal civil internacional. Litigación internacional, Thomson Civitas, Madrid, 2007, 2ª Ed., p. 101.
  • P. Ortolani, “Anti-suit Injuctions in Support of Arbitration Under the Recast Brussels I Regulation”, MPILux Working Paper 6 (