Comunicación educativa y cultura política en el Movimiento 15-Maproximación teórica y reflexiones preliminares en torno a un estudio etnográfico
ISSN: 2386-5458
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: Memoria, política y ciudadanía: Tensiones entre memorias institucionales y memorias instituyentes
Volume: 2
Issue: 4
Pages: 179-192
Type: Article
More publications in: Kultur: revista interdisciplinària sobre la cultura de la ciutat
In this paper, we present some aspects of the ethnographic research that we have done about the pedagogical-political dimension that underlies in the communication environments and processes of the 15-M movement. We specifically deal with the theoretical foundations of our study from the concepts of ‘educational communication’ and ‘political culture’, and we reflect on the pedagogical-political nature which is inherent in both the assembly-based practices and communication projects that the 15-M movement has developed since its emergence.