Sistema para la Gestión de Simulaciones Electrónicas Basado en Objetos de Aprendizaje

  1. Miguel Latorre
  2. Francisco García-Sevilla
  3. Elio San Cristóbal
  4. Sergio Martín
  5. Manuel Blázquez
  6. Gabriel Díaz
  7. Juan Peire
  8. Castro Gil, Manuel Alonso
TICAI 2008: TICs para a Aprendizagem de Engenharia
  1. Carlos Vaz de Carvalho (coord.)
  2. Martín Llamas Nistal (coord.)
  3. Ricardo Silveira (coord.)

Publisher: IEEE Sociedad de Educación

ISBN: 978-972-8688-63-9

Year of publication: 2008

Pages: 1-8

Type: Book chapter


Circuit simulators are really useful tools for engineering students. These applications let them test the behavior of Electronic systems. Learners can understand how this technology works that way, in addition to acquiring a methodology of design. Teachers of UNED have developed various theoretical and practical examples with the collaboration of their students during previous years. Such activities let them verify the physical models of most components. In this communication we present a Learning Object tool oriented to locate and exchange materials in an accessible environment within the lab and from the classroom.