Dos caminos en la sociología de la literaturahacia una definición programática de la sociología de la literatura española
- Santoro Domingo, Pablo
- Romero Ramos, Héctor
ISSN: 2445-0367, 1578-2824
Year of publication: 2007
Issue: 8
Pages: 195-223
Type: Article
More publications in: RES. Revista Española de Sociología
In opposition to other areas of sociological inquiry, the sociology of literature has not been able to establish a strong and solid theoretical position as a sub-discipline. Hence two almost completely different approaches exist within it. On the one hand, an "internalist" approach focuses on the content of literary works and is more concerned with theory -implying an idealistic point of view. The internalist approach conceives of the book as a reflection of society in a concrete time period. On the other hand, the "externalist" approach is more concerned with empirical work and focuses on social modes of literary production and consumption. Bourdieu's sociology of the literary field and the works of his followers are representative examples of this second orientation. After reviewing certain French, Anglo-Saxon and Spanish traditions in the sociology of literature during the last two decades (Bourdieu, Sapiro, González García, Griswold, etc.), this article attempts to draw a valid theoretical framework for a future research project about the sociology of Spanish literature.
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