La renovación de los Códigos Civiles decimonónicosLa supervivencia institucional de la promesa de matrimonio en el Código Civil portugués

  1. Abad Arenas, Encarnación 1
  1. 1 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

    Madrid, España


Revista Estudios Institucionales: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Instituciones, Ceremonial y Protocolo

ISSN: 2386-8694

Argitalpen urtea: 2019

Alea: 6

Zenbakia: 11

Orrialdeak: 39-64

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.5944/EEII.VOL.7.N.11.2019.25283 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista Estudios Institucionales: Revista Internacional de Investigación en Instituciones, Ceremonial y Protocolo


In the present study we analyze the regulation of the promise under the Portuguese CC of 1966 and the implications that it entails for the promising. In text we stop in the study of current art. 1.591 CC as a result of the reform practiced by Lei n. 9/2010, of May 31, 2010 which, although presented in identical terms as the repealed art. 1.591 CC of 1966, the truth is that it has suppressed the expression “of a different sex”, equating the promise made by a heterosexual couple to that made by a homosexual couple. Next, we take care of the precepts introduced by the legislator dedicated: to the regulation in the matter of restitution of the donations made because of the promise of marriage, in case of impossibility of celebrating the future matrimonial bond [arts. 1.592 and 1.593]. Likewise, we stop in the obligation to indemnify [art. 1.594 CC] that, although it is not an innovative provision, the truth is that it differs from the two previous precepts in that this obligation rests solely with the guilty party, while in those others the obligation to return falls interchangeably on both parties. , whether or not "fault". We also allude to the particularities presented in this precept, highlighting: that the scope of the indemnification obligation is also extensible to the parents of the innocent promiser and even to third parties; the extent of the compensable damage, limited to the “expenses incurred” and “obligations incurred” because of the promise and, that the compensation be set at the discretion of the judicial authority. Finally, we analyze art. 1,595 CC. Except with which it has been saved concerning the term of the expiration of the actions both to demand the obligation of restitution [arts. 1.592 and 1.593 CC], as for the indemnity obligation [art. 1.594 CC].

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