En tierra de ¿nadie? Manuel Portela Valladares y el republicanismo liberal en la Guerra Civil española

  1. Pilar Mera-Costas 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar

ISSN: 2254-6111

Any de publicació: 2018

Títol de l'exemplar: La guerra civil española. Una perspectiva biográfica

Volum: 7

Número: 13

Pàgines: 36-60

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar


Manuel Portela Valladares began in 1936 presiding over the Government of the Spanish Second Republic and ended up in exile in France. With seventy years and a long political career behind him, he was facing a war for the first time. A war whose contenders felt distant, because not only they did not share their political approaches and their behavior in the rearguard, but also because none was able to guarantee their personal safety, while both sides seized their property. Thus, Portela was in the early stages of the conflict exiled by obligation and in no man's land, although his personal situation and his commitment to the defense of the Republic was clarified over the months. Starting from these premises, the objective of this work is to reconstruct the war experience of Manuel Portela Valladares: his persecution, his flight, his initial doubts, the difficult accommodation that his centrist position posed him in one and another side, his definitive bet for the Republicans and his defense of international mediation as a strategy to strengthen victory options. In this way and through the story and the analysis of a personal experience, the article exemplifies the difficulties, persecutions, dangers and misunderstandings suffered by the liberal republicans after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Politicians and intellectuals whose ideology was located between the center left and the center right. Firm defenders of the parliamentary democracy and enemies of the authoritarian regimes, that after the coup d'etat and the subsequent civil conflict were without space, persecuted by the extremes, with his life in danger and trapped in a world in which his way of understanding politics seemed to have no place. This intermediate and fluctuating space has received, on occasion, the name of Third Spain. A concept of intermittent presence that despite the possibilities it offers, is still pending a solid historiographic definition, and that goes beyond a small minority of intellectuals who abstained from the war, encompassing a wide range of democrats who, from exile or inside Spain, continued defending the values of liberal democracy in their writings and actions.

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