Por una politica de lo comúnEntre Espinosa y Deleuze

  1. Francisco José Martínez 1
  1. 1 UNED (Madrid); Seminario Spinoza
Agora: papeles de filosofía

ISSN: 0211-6642

Ano de publicación: 2022

Volume: 41

Número: 2

Páxinas: 1-1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Agora: papeles de filosofía


A politics of the common is defended based on the ontological and epistemological contributions of Espinosa and Deleuze. A policy capable of articulating the different claims of minorities seeking to escape the fall into exclusive identity essentialisms that rigidly define who is a true proletarian or a true woman, etc. A politics of the common that, starting from differences, is oriented towards a policy “from the whole world” and “for the whole world”, through minority becoming that conclude in an “imperceptible becoming”; that is to say, it is a politics of differences that leads to the indifference of each one, since it refers to what individuals have in common rather than what separates them. It is a policy based on reason, but a reason that does the math with the passions, in the Spinosian trail, and with the unconscious factors, in the Deleuzian trail. A reason, therefore, situated and open to sensitivity, affections and feelings, but without falling into irrational or sentimental rhetoric.

Referencias bibliográficas

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