Esos animales, nuestros hermanos. Notas para la “articulación transcendental”
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1137-2400, 1885-1088
Année de publication: 2022
Número: 19
Pages: 223-246
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Investigaciones fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología
The paper is a fine-tuning of an author’s previous paper, which was published in Spanish in a French journal, and was barely distributed in Spain. The fundamental thing about this is, in addition to clarifying some aspects of that one, to draw the moral consequences that derive from it. The first section insists on the phenomenological rupture of the gap between sensitivity and understanding to the extent that the latter lives on sensitivity. In the second, the rupture with all medieval residue in the word “transcendental” is clarified by resorting to animal transcendentality, what is called the “prophylactic” character of the paper. In the third, which includes the heart of the essay, it is exposed how the objective fields that are analyzed in Husserl’s Ideas II, including animals, from being constituted objects become co-constituent subjects. Finally, in the last section, the scope of what Husserl calls intentional articulation (of animality and humanity), and which I call “transcendental”, internal and external articulation, by which we are included in the total intersubjectivity of life is considered, by which our responsibility towards animal life becomes clear.
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