La Lengua de signos como recurso inclusivo en el sistema educativo español
- Benito-Moreno, Silvia Cristina 1
- Agra-Gasqué, Almudena 2
- 1 UNED / Consejería de Educación
- 2 Consejería de Educación
ISSN: 2636-2147, 2636-2139
Any de publicació: 2021
Títol de l'exemplar: RECIE. Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa
Volum: 5
Número: 1
Pàgines: 116-132
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Caribeña de Investigación Educativa (RECIE)
This article aims to analyze the educational trajectory of hearing impaired students in Spain since the beginning of the 20th century, in which the role of sign language as a facilitator of school inclusion takes more and more force. We start from the communicative-linguistic needs of these students, justifying the importance of oral language and sign language. We compare language acquisition processes in monolingual and bilingual contexts. Then, we describe and assess the journey of Spanish educational models to provide an educational response tailored to hearing impaired students, noting the presence of both languages in each. We highlight the intermodal bilingual experiences of the Community of Madrid and make reference to similar projects in other areas of the country. As a conclusion, the inclusive value of sign language and its usefulness for educational activity, as well as for social and emotional development, are highlighted.
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