Un sistema de evaluación integral para el análisis de los sistemas agroalimentariosla soberanía alimentaria como punto de partida

Supervised by:
  1. Xavier Cussó Segura Director

Defence university: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Fecha de defensa: 01 December 2022

  1. Gonzalo Gamboa Jiménez Chair
  2. Ángel Luis González Esteban Secretary
  3. Marta G. Rivera Ferré Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 821629 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


From a theoretical point of view, Food Sovereignty is a concept of growing interest and relevance given its alternative approach to the analysis of agri-food systems and their transformations. In a context where analytical models based exclusively on productivist criteria have shown interpretative limitations in the study of complex social systems, the appearance of evaluation models that use a multidimensional perspective (economic, social, environmental, nutritional, political, etc.) present as necessary. For this, an evaluation system has been developed based on the main attributes of the concept of Food Sovereignty with the aim of approaching the transformations experienced by agri-food systems in the long term, as well as the economic, social and environmental consequences of said transformations. The evaluation system developed categorizes the evaluable attributes of an agri-food system and proposes a system for measuring these and presenting the results through the creation of a synthetic indicator (ISSSA: Index of Sovereignty and Sustainability of Agri-food Systems). The implementation of the model is carried out through 7 representative case studies from different regions of Western Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Denmark and Sweden. The objective is to analyse through the evaluation model presented, the effects of the globalization process in the context of the EU from the end of the 80s of the last century to the present and to identify the existence or not of regional patterns.