Economía circular y pymes. Retos y oportunidades

  1. Marta de la Cuesta González

ISSN: 0212-4386

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Zenbakia: 184

Orrialdeak: 97-105

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Economistas


In this article, we look at the challenges SMEs already face when implementing circular economy initiatives. We will learn about circular business models through some examples and how this transition can be advanced and scaled. It is noted that overcoming the economic, technical, market, and cultural barriers that the circular economy implies is not particularly easy for SMEs and that the transition to more circular businesses already in place requires regulatory changes and changes in market policy structures, including changes in financial flows and instruments, in which public-private collaboration and partnership between SMEs is relevant.