Area: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence


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Doctor by the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha with the thesis Contributions to the advancement of wireless indoor localization techniques signal characterization and distributed computing 2018. Supervised by Dr. Ismael García Varea, Dr. Luis Orozco Barbosa.

Manuel Castillo-Cara is a computer scientist and earned his PhD in Computer Science from the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) in 2018 with the distinction of outstanding cum laude. From 2014 to 2020, he worked as a research professor in Peru, primarily at the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) and the Universidad de Lima (ULima). Between 2021 and 2023, he held a postdoctoral contract Recualificación-María Zambrano at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) as part of a program to bring doctors back to Spain. Since 2023, he is working at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). He is currently accredited as an 'Associate professor’ by ANECA. During his teaching period, he has participated in over 15 research projects, 2 of which he was the Principal Investigator. He was also a team member in a social development project that aimed to develop technological skills for children in depressed areas of Peru. The project had over 2000 students between the ages of 8 and 15 in total. The courses covered topics such as educational robotics and programming with Scratch. Additionally, the teacher has received teaching awards for achieving the highest scores in academic surveys at UNI on four separate occasions. His research interests are in Artificial Intelligence and computing architectures, specifically in sensor networks (WSN), distributed platforms and architectures like Fog Computing, data analysis/processing, pattern recognition and Computer Vision. He is the main developer of the TINTOlib library for developing Hybrid Neural Networks. He also implemented the method to convert tabular data into synthetic images, known as TINTO. He has presented multiple seminars on AI and the use of TINTOlib in both Peru and Spain. Below are his general indicators of scientific production quality: His general indicators of quality of scientific production are summarized below. • 17 articles in indexed impact journals (5 in Q1 and 9 in Q2). • 7 international congresses (4 in Scopus) • 2 IEEE robotics competitions, achieving third place. • 1 utility model paten • 2 software copyright registrations • 1 academic book • WOS Impact (JCR): Total citations: 145 / Q1: 5 - Q2: 10 / H Index: 7 • Scopus Impact (SJR): Total citations: 247 / Q1: 12 - Q2: 6 / H Index: 8 • Scholar Impact: Total citations: 408 / H Index: 10 • 4 Master's Thesis • 6 Bachelor's Thesis