Area: Didactics and School Organisation



Doctor by the UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia with the thesis Funcionalidad abierta cognición y valores en el diseño, uso y aplicación de las tecnologías computacionales como tecnologías cognitivas 2013. Supervised by Dr. Eduardo Bustos.

Roberto Feltrero (1970) is a potstdoctoral research associate at UNED and member of the SMEMIU research group, leading the research line on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for media education. 1. Scientific contributions Author or co-author of 19 indexed journal papers (1 art. JCR Q1, 2 art. JCR Q2; 4 arts. SCOPUS Q1, 1 art. SCOPUS Q2, 1 art. SCOPUS Q3; h-index=2), book chapters on SPI Q1 and Q2 editorials (Routledge, Palgrave McMillan, King's College, UNAM, Octaedro, UNED, Universitas S.A.), more than 10 contributions to conference proceedings with peer-review, 9 book chapter and 3 edited books. More than 70 contributions (30 invited) presented in national and international conferences. More than 20 research projects (being IP at 3 of them) funded by different institutions, with a significant presence in international projects: (2 EU-funded projects, 6 Mexican CONACYT funded projects and 1 Dominican Pedagogical University funded project) 2. Contributions to society -Contracts and transfer merits: researcher on 5 transfer projects (art. 83) with Dominican Universities, with a total budget of more than 200.000€. All of them devoted to improve educational quality (SDG 4). Contract as external researcher writing reports for industry at INREDIS project (CEN-2007-2011). Individual amount: 32.000€. -Technological resources and social innovation: founder, CEO and academic leader of Project Heliox (, a non-profit group of visionary academics devoted to the design of free software assistant technologies. 3 technological achievements (HelioxOS, cultural diversity translations and Heliox Access app) funded with more than 15.000€ by 3 national and international projects (CSIC, Spain; SCyDC and INALI, México). 3. Contributions to training and mentoring Direction of 16 master's theses and 1 doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Education, UNED. Coordination of 2 research projects giving mentoring to several trainee students, either grant holders or assistants, helping them out to produce technological resources, articles or conference contributions. I was on charge of 1 researching group at ISFODOSU (Dominican Republic) helping my fellow teachers to develop their own research and publications (4 proceedings, 2 articles on indexed journals and 1 edited monograph). Extensive international teaching-training experience, especially in educational innovation and technologies, with more than 20 diplomas, courses or seminars given on more than 10 institutions (UNED, CSIC, USAL from Spain; UNAM, FQ, IIF, ScyDC, ITSON, UACH in México; DARMSTAD, Germany; ISFODOSU-MESCYT, INTEC in Dominican Republic). 4. Other contributions: dissemination activities, such as 3 hackathon (as a participant and as a mentor) and 8 interviews in different scientific communication and dissemination media for the promotion of entrepreneurship and social innovation in assistive technologies. Promoting teaching training on AI and Education: design and teaching of UNED lifelong learning courses, based on project-based learning, involving students in the design and resolution of educational problems related to AI tools for education. 2022-2023-continue.