Profesor Contratado Doctor
Publications (76) Publications de MARCOS ROMAN GONZALEZ Voir les données de recherche référencées.
Computational Concepts and their Assessment in Preschool Students: An Empirical Study
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 33, Núm. 6, pp. 998-1020
Computational Thinking (CT) Measurement Model Based on Bloom's Taxonomy and the GQM Model
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Computational thinking assessment: A developmental approach
Computational thinking curricula in k–12: International implementations (MIT press), pp. 121-142
Cómo desarrollar las competencias comunicativas del estudiantado
Alfabetización en evaluación para el desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas (Universitas), pp. 61-78
Didactic strategies for the education of computational thinking from a gender perspective: A systematic review
European Journal of Education, Vol. 59, Núm. 2
Generative AI and the future of higher education: a threat to academic integrity or reformation? Evidence from multicultural perspectives
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, Núm. 21
Generative AI in education and research: A systematic mapping review
Review of Education, Vol. 12, Núm. 2
Improvement of Computational Thinking skills through unplugged activities in Upper Secondary Education
Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research
Interaction Patterns During Block-based Programming Activities Predict Computational Thinking: Analysis of the Differences in Gender, Cognitive Load, Spatial Ability, and Programming Proficiency
AI, Computer Science and Robotics Technology, Vol. 3
Investigating the Impact of Programming Activities on Computational Thinking and AI Literacy in Spanish Schools
Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research
Computational Thinking Assessment – Towards More Vivid Interpretations
Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, pp. 539-568
El pensamiento algorítmico como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades de resolución de problemas en el contexto de la educación básica secundaria
RED: revista de educación a distancia, Vol. 23, Núm. 73
El pensamiento algorítmico como estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de habilidades de resolución de problemas en el contexto de la educación básica secundaria
Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), Vol. 23, Núm. 73
Estudiolab, una comunidad de aprendizaje e investigación en discord
Nuevas perspectivas en Educación, Innovación y TIC: una nueva mirada para la mejora social y empresarial (Dykinson), pp. 45-49
A cognitive definition of computational thinking in primary education
Computers and Education, Vol. 179
Brechas de Género en la iniciación a la Programación Informática en Educación Secundaria en España
Revista complutense de educación, Vol. 33, Núm. 4, pp. 701-712
Comparing the psychometric properties of two primary school Computational Thinking (CT) assessments for grades 3 and 4: The Beginners' CT test (BCTt) and the competent CT test (cCTt)
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 13
El talento STEM en la educación obligatoria: una revisión sistemática
Revista de educación, Núm. 396, pp. 65-96
Toward a Theory (and Practice) of Multiple Computational Thinkings
Computational Thinking Education in K–12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing (MIT press), pp. 71-102
Collaborative Game-Based Environment and Assessment Tool for Learning Computational Thinking in Primary School: A Case Study
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 14, Núm. 5, pp. 576-589